There were a few years where I found myself in an uncomfortable pattern:

Connect to God
Experience miracles
“Buckle down” and “be responsible”
Get practical
Lose my ✨magic✨
Suffer the consequences
Run back to god
Experience miracles
Buckle down…

Rinse, repeat.

For whatever reason, I would tap into ✨the magic✨ (which is really just staying connected to God,) but immediately after miracles occurred, I would switch up my approach.

I would become more focused on being “practical” and “responsible,” instead of just using the same approach that brought the miracles in the first place!

I would unplug from the magic… and it would dry up.

In my experience, staying connected to and following God’s guidance has never felt “practical.”

Trusting my desires doesn’t feel practical.
God’s guidance doesn’t feel practical.
Nothing about this feels practical!

Is earth spinning around the sun practical?
Were the Wright brothers practical?
Was Jesus feeding 4,000 from a loaf and 5 fish practical?

Have you ever considered that perhaps God didn’t design any of this to be practical?

What if practicality is nothing more than a human distortion that slows us down and gets in the way of all the magic we could experience?

As I’ve said many times…

God’s approach, gets God-sized results.

A practical approach, gets practical results.

Some people say comparison is the thief of joy, nonsense! PRACTICALITY is the thief of joy!

Practicality has killed my magic more times than I can count…

Because God lives at the edge of desire… and all the good stuff is over there with God.

Time and time again I am reminded that I cannot dwell in two places at once. I cannot play at the edge, connected to God, receiving God-sized magic… and dwell in the practical realm at the same time.

When people talk about God being “jealous” it’s not because there’s a scary man in the clouds who needs something of you, it’s because you cannot be in two states at once.

To keep ✨the magic✨ flowing, you have to remain completely faithful and connected to the source of it.

When you unplug from divinity and into practicality… you cut off the supply of magic.

When God supplies you with blessings, God will also sustain them.

Hear me.

When God supplies you with blessings, your practicality does not and cannot sustain them.

As they say… “you cannot serve two masters.”

For myself, I have never regretted staying plugged into magic, but I have absolutely regretted plugging into practicality.

Of course, this way of being isn’t for everyone. Some people do find peace in practicality.

I’m just not one of them.

Absolutely nothing compares to playing at the edge, full out, with God. Just oozing nonstop blessings, God-sized miracles, and brimming with the fullness of life…


