As some of you may know, I spend many, many hours in meditation.
Once I get beyond the mental chatter and human distractions, most of my time is spent feeling for God. Occasionally I will come with a practical question or two, but most of the time I’m seeking the edges of my vision, desires, and energetic capacity.
How much God can I allow and circulate, and for how long?
This is always my question.
Eventually, when you’re in the pocket long enough, receiving God to the point of overflow, something interesting happens… The feeling of need begins to fade, and you are taken over by an eagerness to experience the fullness that life has to offer.
All your desires begin to take on a new flavor, meaning, and purpose.
Relationships are no longer about superficial milestones, but about experiencing greater depths of love. It’s not marriage that you want, it’s the depth of love that comes with commitment and devotion. It’s not children that you want, it’s the experience of new, expanding relationships, unexplored contours of your own capacity, and next level unconditionality.
Your desire for money is no longer about needing more to pacify your fears or soothe your shame. It’s a highly creative resource that enables greater self expression. It’s the materialized extension of your values. It’s the “spiritual idea” that we use to realize the fullness of life.
Whether we like it or not, our creation of both the “good” and the “bad” is just us experiencing the fullness of life.
That’s why God technically doesn’t care what we create. God will always hold the highest and greatest vision of our preferences up to this point, but we can still create things we don’t like. God will not condemn our “bad” creations.
Anyway, above our human sense of need, struggle, desperation, fear… is an insatiable eagerness for the fullness of life.
I’ve come to realize, that’s what God feels like, in its purest form, all the time. We may not always interpret it that way, but that steady pulse is always there and available, anytime you’d like to tap into it.
And once you’re really harmonized with that, God, nothing is impossible for you, because that’s just you at your greatest edge.