What other people are saying…
sometimes other people say it best
“There are no words to describe my amazement with Sydney. Even though I’ve been following her work for four years now, and worked with her personally for over a year, I’m still in awe with her wisdom. It’s an infinite source.
Working with her was an honor and such a pleasure. She creates a space full of trust, support, honesty and pure magic. I’ve gained in numerous ways. My self-esteem has grown, I’ve learned to connect better with my feminine and receive with ease, and understand my power as a creator. My relationship with money shifted to a level I haven’t even imagined possible. Sydney also taught me so many techniques for manifesting. I’ve manifested a soulmate better I could ever dream of, and even a nine figure income! Our sessions have ended, yet I’m equipped with incredible tools I use daily.
Sydney has given me a new perspective on so many aspects of my life. Now life seems a holiday and everything revolves around pleasure, ease and abundance.
Thank you Sydney, you’ve changed my life!”
“APEX was unlike any container I’ve ever experienced; the energy and dynamics within the group were loving and supportive, creating a safe space to share. It’s not always easy to be honest with where you are and where you want to go, sharing what it is that you truly desire. Being seen and held by Sydney each week was a magical experience that I’ll always treasure. She has a unique ability to see through all your energetic debris and blocks and help you transcend it all by creating dynamic tools that you can use to become the best version of you, one that is in alignment with all that you desire. One that is closer to their divine potential, confident to dream and express those desires and brave enough to risk it all to follow their desires. If you are considering APEX or working with Sydney, just say yes, it will be one of the best decisions you ever make!”
“I’ve been following Sydney’s work for years, her style and skills in what she does are unmatched. I’ve taken many of her classes and have experienced huge improvements to my life because of them (highly recommend money magic, Dom and fabric of the universe). But actually working with Sydney in a mastermind setting? WILD. MAGICAL.
She has helped to optimise my life more than I’ve ever anticipated. She helped me identify parts of my life I could expand, provided the tools to get there, and I cannot stress this enough, she made it fun and easy. Every interaction had a nugget of wisdom to nibble on or revealed something you could go deeper in practice with. Because of this, every facet of my life has transformed over the past 3 months; I’m now exploring a new career path I wouldn’t have considered, my relationship is fire, money is flowing, friendship group is blossoming, had and will have vacations all paid for, amazing event after event, I could go on and on.
Beyond the manifestations, she has helped support me in drastically improving my emotional and mental baselines – my nervous system is regulated more often, I can get back into connection faster, I reorient towards receiving faster, better self-talk, more confidence, more drive, I’m on fire! Before joining, I was cognisant of things in my life that I wanted to shift and I knew that life is begging me to go and enjoy it. Now, I’m equipped with the tools to go out there and do that. I’m enjoying my life so much more, and I’m more present for the things and people that I love. I want this for you. God wants this for you. And Sydney wants this for you too. So, if you feel the nudge, listen. Work with her.
TL;DR - Hot people work with Sydney.”
“Being in Once Upon a Time has been an energetics all-inclusive!
Sydney is heaven-sent, and it’s been a bullet train of expansion.
So many things have happened over the last month in this container… to name a couple big ones: clarity on ways of being and new beliefs have dropped in for me effortlessly that are revolutionary for the way I live my life, and my nervous system is more grounded and relaxed than…ever (Lol). I feel clear, powerful, creative and excited for my life and working with what Sydney taught in this container. My favorite part about Once Upon a Time were the processes taught (I was overwhelmed in the best way possible. So much to work with!), character work, and overall magic. I highly highly recommend working with Sydney if you want to move through life magically and optimally, and relax and have fun while you do so.”
“Look, listen. You. Changed. My. Life. You and your work jump started my healing and I get stronger and better everyday because of it. Damn like come on, I found you when I was 21 and you were so so NEEDED in my life, and my life has transformed into something beautiful.
I remember watching your tarot readings for the first time (October 2018) one day and I was feeling so good and supported after it. I remember the first podcast episode. I remember signing up for soulmate recovery and psychic defence. I remember downloading the connecting to source meditation when you just released it. Many classes later, I apply the tools you’ve taught me every single day. You’ve always said your mission is to empower people, and yeahhhh I feel powerful as fuck. It’s incredible to see how your business has transformed over the years, and I feel like seeing your transformation too is also so supportive. You prove life gets to be even better.
Anyways, Sydney, thank you for everything. I really can’t thank you enough. Words aren’t enough to explain how much I appreciate you and your work. Always excited to see what amazing things you’ll do next. ”
“Sydney, I drown you in praise all the time on Instagram, and yet I’m so excited you opened this up for your birthday so I can FINALLY fully express just how much your work has changed my life. I found you through tiktok in late 2019/early 2020 when my father was dying of cancer. It was a hard time, to say the least. I had come to standstill in my spiritual practice and felt like every book I read, every practitioner I followed, wasn’t doing a damn thing in the way of aiding my growth.
Insert Sydney Finn.
Sydney, you have such an other worldly way of relaying information, and your teaching skills are truly a gift. I look forward to every breadcrumb of content you offer, whether it be a podcast episode, a masterclass, your weekly newsletter, or a quick video on your instagram story. You challenge my black and white views again and again, and encourage me to expand not just my mind, but my entire human experience, without even speaking to me directly! When I do have questions, you are always so generous with your time, knowledge, and experience. Money Magic? WOOF. I bought that class as a birthday gift to myself last May and it has expanded more than just my bank account in ways I would have never imagined.
I hope, beyond reading my words, you can FEEL the gratitude I hold for you radiating off this little digital box of text. You have changed my life, and I know for a fact that it is not the only life you’ve touched in this lifetime. Thank you for the work that you do. Thank you for your time and energy. Just, thank you.”
“As most people know, life is not easy. Life is filled with surprises, twists, transformations, and lessons. When I first contacted Sydney for a session I felt lost, confused, and out of touch with who I was. I was trying to figure out the meaning of my life and what the point of these tough life lessons I was going through were. After our first reading, I felt such relief and clarity as Sydney thoroughly helped me to understand the essence of my life. What I enjoy about the way Sydney offers help is she does not just give me the answers, but she helps me to understand what I am going through and why. She then offers advice and guidance on the best way to get the most value out of each lesson. She inspires me to take advantage of the life lessons I have signed up to learn, and fully immerse my being in them. With each session I have with Sydney, I learn to become more accepting and grateful of this life I have chosen to live. I tell Sydney all the time that I do not know how other individuals get through life without having someone like her as a guide. Life is confusing, but Sydney continually helps me make sense of it. I confide in Sydney for more than life guidance though, I ask her about love and manifestation as well! She has taught me so many techniques for manifesting that I use daily to attract abundance into my life. Sydney is also extremely down to Earth, and does what she feels is right. She is ethical, honest and trustworthy. She is actually the only psychic I fully trust. I believe Sydney’s ultimate goal is to help other individuals live their best lives, and she has truly added so much value to mine. ”
“Sydney you have changed my life in so many ways, it’s impossible to list them all. I almost always say to myself, what would Sydney say/advise? The podcast alone is so chalk full of advice alone. Psa - If you are not listening to Sunday messages, what are you even doing? If you have a question or going through a struggle, pick a podcast episode and you will be 100 percent guaranteed to walk away with a nugget of wisdom that will help you in some way. Seriously though! ”
“Your insight and expression of those thoughts are invaluable to me. I constantly refer back to things you’ve opened me up to thinking about. I look forward to more of your content. I truly respect your thoughts and I look forward to more.”
“Highly recommend working with Sydney!
Sydney is extremely punctual, initiating contact at the exact time on the dot. During and after each clearing I feel an amazing sense of release, support and peace. I am always amazed at the lightness I feel after a clearing, and how it lingers for such an extended period of time. The advice she shares is practical and applicable, helping to give a focus on how to move forward. I highly recommend working with her, it is an enlightening experience that you cannot put a price on. Worth it!”
“Ever since I discovered your channel on YouTube around 2018, you have been honestly a lighthouse. I’ve always struggled with not fitting in this world, being out of step with everyone else, too emotional/intense, depression, and anxiety. Every monthly reading resonates for my sun, moon, and rising. You have so much wisdom and understand psychology, everything. You’re so insightful, compassionate, and also very stern, a badass really. I have also had two tarot readings from you, which were spot on with the energies and all the narratives I’ve been telling myself. So, thank you for existing and sharing your gifts with the world.
...thank you for being part of my journey. It means the world to me. Not even a therapist (cognitive and talk) is this helpful or insightful as even your monthly readings. They are not even close to tackling as much information as you. They don’t even compare to you. I look forward to working with you more and learning from you. ”
“You are such an amazing soul, and you’ve given so much to so many. You continue to change my life, one podcast and master class at a time- and I am so grateful for it! Thank you so much for all that you do and the knowledge that you share with the world. You are such a great teacher and have this amazing way of explaining complex ideas so that they always ‘click’.”
“I liked your tarot readings and love your Sunday messages. Sometimes I have issues I struggle with Iike how I feel about money, my relationship with my mom, or deciding to drop a group if friends and wanting new ones more aligned with my values. I’ll listen to your Sunday messages or your recent uploads on confidence I think and find the solutions I need. I so much appreciate you sharing your own personal life circumstances because it helps me navigate my own life. I love how honest you are, authentic, and that you dig deep into energetics that can seem abstract without exampmes or clarification. I remember you saying to lean into those uncomfortable feelings because that’s where the truth lies. Best advice I’ve had. Please keep doing what you’re doing!!!”
“I just had the pleasure of working with Sydney for the first time and she was amazing! I feel so much better and have better understanding of my issues and obstacles. She taught me tools to navigate through them to where I am called to be. I can’t wait to utilize her services again and thank you so much!”