Alright alright alright… You asked for a polarity class, so here it is!

Here’s my whole thing, I believe that in relationship, whoever holds the feminine pole is the one who’s responsible for the magic in a relationship. Ya know… the sparks, the butterflies… the juice. But, in order stir up the magic in romance and evoke the best from your partner you have to know how to stay full ‘n juicy!

As someone who was formerly cold, closed off, punishing, terrified of intimacy, (and couldn’t get into a relationship if my life depended on it), the fact that I can sit here and tell you I am madly in love and the exact man I chose is obsessed with me, showers me in love, sings my praises, and can’t get enough of me is… insane.

What I’m saying is I basically climbed the relationship equivalent of Mount Everest!

These days, every time I discuss love and polarity, people are begging for my secrets - so let’s do this thang!


*please note: this class is geared toward those who prefer to be in the feminine pole of their relationships (that includes gay relationships!) You can be single or coupled - this class will apply.

  • Setting the stage of emotional, sexual, and energetic polarity (what, why, how…)

  • Evoking the best from your (masculine) partner

  • Navigating conflict… the sexy way. hehe

  • The nervous system in relationship (aka: the root of all evil lol)

  • What receptivity actually means

  • Deliberately holding the feminine pole

  • Sneaky ways you neutralize the polarity

  • Why (a lot) of modern relationship advice will turn you into a miserable shrew and make you un-fuckable

  • Why neediness is required, and how to do it right

  • My dos and don’ts for relationships with men

  • Traditional vs. egalitarian relationships

  • A bunch of other hot takes and possibly some other tricks I have up my sleeve


“I work in an environment that is all men and have been using things taught in Juicy to totally hone in on owning my feminine. 

This weekend my manager gave me one of his comfortable chairs, my coworkers take things so I don't have to carry them, they help me without me asking, offer me things, etc. before I would be a "I can do it myself" kind of gal but just owned it, received, and killed it with sales this weekend (best weekend in probably a year...)

It helps with more than just partner relationships. It's helping with all aspects of my life. 

Dom was also a major part of it. Every customer I interacted with I would say "power" and own my power/make it big and just trust God. I made 10k this weekend. Thanks for helping me hone my magic.

And believe in all possibilities with God.”


DAY 1 - MATH: in my book, polarity is just math! On opening day we’re exploring the mechanical side of relationship energetics. (2 hr 20 mins)

DAY 2 - GOD: we can’t talk about love without discussing the source! This is the only well worth tapping into when it comes to matters of the heart. (2 hr 3 mins)

DAY 3 - ART: your relationship is a creation, not a set-it-and-forget-it rotisserie chicken, so bust out your paint brush! I’ll show you exactly what I mean… (1 hr 23 mins)

DAY 4 - Q&A - where I answered everyone’s juicy questions hehe. (1 hr 15 mins)

BONUS - An extra Q&A about inverted polarity! (47 mins)


  • 3 modules + 1 Q&A session + 1 bonus video on inverted polarity!

  • Instant access to all modules + Q&A + replays forevaaaaa

  • One payment of $599 or 3 monthly payments of $212

  • It’s not quite a masterclass… not quite a full course… it’s like a mini-course.

  • No refunds


Select PayPal at checkout and use “Pay Later” (this will let you choose a custom payment plan!)

**Disclaimer: of course I want to waive a magic wand and guarantee you a bunch of kick ass results since I believe in your infinite creative power! Sadly, I cannot guarantee any results since you’ve got free will and all. While I can give you the tools, you’re fully in charge of implementing them and are responsible for your results.

Anyway, enough of the boring legal stuff! Take responsibility for your ability to create fully and let’s freaking do this and have a great time!**